Charles Krauthammer, The Truth about Torture

"The Truth about Torture"
This Pulitzer Prize-winning columnist argues in favor of the use of torture in especially dangerous situations.

"Inmates Alleged Koran Abuse"
This Washington Post article details allegations by some detainees at Gauntanamo Prison that Korans had been desecrated by guards there.

Bomb is Ticking: Do You OK Torture?
The Markkula Center for Applied Ethics at Santa Clara University explores the ethical issues of torture, and the standard hypothetical: can you justify torture of a known criminal who has information that will save many lives? This article originally appeared in the San Jose Mercury News.

Joel Stein: Why I'm in Favor of Torture
This Los Angeles Times opinion piece argues that torture in order to gain valuable information is a lesser moral evil than murder of innocent civilians.

Why 60 Percent of Young People Favor Torture
A 2011 Red Cross study found that 60 percent of young Americans support torture practices in light of the wars in the Middle East. This article takes a look at the reasons why more young people are in favor of torture than older generations.

Churchgoers More Likely to See Torture as Justifiable
A 2009 Pew Study found that 54 percent of those who attended church services regularly were more likely to say that torture of an enemy is sometimes permissible, rather than never. This article describes the study and offers a comprehensive chart to illustrate the results of the study.